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Mannequins & Body Forms

Mannequins & body forms in assortment of material finishes, designs and shapes for retail store display merchandising of apparel wear with accessories and bases for the finish touch. Toll Free 1-866-400-1644

Buy Mannequins & Body Online

The use of visual cues to boost sales is referred to as visual merchandising. Using visually-oriented shop fixtures offered at RETAIL DEPOT.ca, such as mannequins and Body Forms, a creative retail store owner may create eye-catching store displays to attract more consumers. Visual marketing may be considered an art form. It's a distinctive and spectacular shop display created by combining the usage of retail fittings, lighting, signage, and product. The end result should enhance the appearance of the products for sale while also reinforcing the notion that your business is cutting-edge in terms of style. Visual merchandising, when done right, may significantly boost customer and sales. It may also help you get the most value from what you're selling by maximizing the possibilities of your area.


RETAIL DEPOT.ca offers a list of body forms and mannequins.


  1. Half Body Form Mannequins
  2. Female Full Body Mannequins
  3. Male Full Body Mannequins
  4. Unbreakable Male/Female Mannequins
  5. Mannequin Body Form Heads
  6. Body Form Mannequins
  7. Children’s Mannequins/Body Forms
  8. Mannequin Podium Stands
  9. Cloth Covered Body Forms


It Shows Brand Value

It's easy to overlook the aesthetic effect of mannequins since they're so common. Until something unexpected happens. Experts say that mannequins have always followed fashion trends. They are, nevertheless, going through a significant change.


For years, they were thought to be nothing more than a technique to showcase the finest of fashion clothes or as part of a bigger marketing plan. Mannequins, on the other hand, are more than just mannequins. Body shapes are starting to be recognized by retailers as a way for consumers to see themselves mirrored in their brand, which may lead to strong loyalty. Mannequins from RETAIL DEPOT.ca, on the other hand, might serve as a reminder of a company's brand values.


Mannequins: What Can They Do for You?

Our mannequins are among the most powerful sales tools available to a retailer. The benefits of using body forms are nearly endless, but we'd like to focus on four of the most important ones.


Sales Increase Using Mannequins

This should be sufficient justification for using mannequins in your business. According to several studies, shops that utilize mannequins naturally make greater sales than those who do not. Mannequins may help increase sales in a number of ways. It all boils down to how appealing things are to the eye. Our body forms are more appealing and relevant to customers than a standing rolling rack, prompting them to purchase the clothing or accessory on display.


Improvements in Shopping

Another reason why mannequins should be used in retail clothes shops is that they improve the whole shopping experience. Again, mannequins' visual appeal is primarily responsible for this. Installing mannequins in your business will improve the décor and, as a result, the customer experience. There are no losers in this situation, since it is a win-win situation.


Shoppers can choose through display

Mannequins can also help consumers choose the right outfits and items, which is a lesser-known advantage. If a shopper sees a dress hanging on a mannequin, for example, she will search the area around the mannequin for the garment, which she hopes to buy. However, this idea does not apply just to dresses. Whatever your mannequins are displaying, they will assist buyers in finding the things they are looking for, resulting in increased sales. 


The cost of mannequins is low

Do you believe mannequins aren't cost-effective? Reconsider. Without breaking the cash, you can get some pretty amazing, realistic mannequins.


Fills in the Missing places

Is there a vacant window or corner in your clothing shop? Allowing this kind of empty space to fill your shop generates bad energy. Fill those empty spaces in your business with mannequins, which is a fast and simple solution to this issue. Setting up a few mannequins in vacant places will go a long way toward improving the décor and producing good energy.


Mannequins as a presentation tool provide many additional benefits.We offer all of the mannequins a retail shop owner may possibly need at RETAIL DEPOT.ca!


How Things are Changing?

In-store purchasing is giving way to internet shopping in today's changing retail scene. Customers are finding it much easier to just get what they want online rather than going out and searching for it. They receive a lot more alternatives than a single shop normally does, and it's delivered right to their house. As a result, store displays are becoming more crucial to retailers throughout the world as a method to attract consumers by providing something they can't obtain online: hands-on encounters.


A competitive advantage over internet retailers

Customers not only get to try on clothing and accessories at stores, but they also get to view samples of fashionable ensembles that may encourage them to make additional fashion choices. Our mannequins, we feel, play a critical part in ensuring that shop fixtures stand out against screen visuals. A mannequin gives your business the opportunity to offer customers something they won't see anywhere else, and your models work hard to turn that advantage into profit.


People may interact with your clothing by having them displayed on a mannequin. Before they get to the cashier, they may touch the materials, try on the sizes, and see what they're getting.


Present-day mannequins

Mannequins are growing more complex and realistic in this day and age. These models may be incorporated into practically any theme since they are constructed of varied materials and formed in numerous stances.


Consider the RETAIL DEPOT.ca Collection, which enables you to pick nearly any color you desire for your figures, to make a mannequin stand out even more amongst your shop displays. This enables them to be tailored to certain seasons and promotions while also injecting life into them and distinguishing them from other shop models.


Impressing every consumer that enters through your door is becoming more important. Use your creativity to come up with various themes and displays for your business to show passers-by what it's like to go shopping rather than simply clicking buttons on a screen. While you still have the chance, take advantage of the potential that your steadfast models provide to your shop.


Make a Worth Investment

Mannequins are one of a kind in terms of client engagement. They have a great aesthetic appeal and elicit a strong emotional reaction to buy. They are an investment worth every penny since they may boost sales. Mannequins, body forms, and dress forms are available at RETAIL DEPOT.CA. Our company's Mannequins are in great demand in showrooms and retail locations. We make certain that these mannequins are simple to handle, have a nice finish, and are in perfect form. Our site makes it simple for customers to purchase mannequins online.